Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I got to spend some time with a good friend of mine Tyla over one of our long breaks. She lives up north right on the border of Kansas and Nebraska... I'd tell you the name of the town if I could remember it. :) While I was there I was able to explore my nature abilities and create some pretty cool photographs. She helped me out a lot with capturing some of my ideas and I had a lot of fun with this.

One of the hardest things was dealing with the sun in some of the photo's I really wanted to take but we worked on adapting the sun into it.... My favorite photo is probably the slow shutter speed water shot. It was really hard to get the right exposure because of there being so much sun that day. It turned out really cool though.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed viewing your new "crop" of photos! My favorites would be the silhouette of the tree with the incredible blue sky behind it...and the water taken with the slow shutter speed. I think it is fantastic that you are continuing to experiment with your techniques. They are working out very well for you!
